gparse - v0.1.2


The gparse parser combinator library consists of:

  1. A set of token parsers that implement the recursive descent parsing technique. They can be thought of as tokens in a grammar and they enable the creation of any parser that can:

    • employ backtracking on the paths it takes.
    • check for an arbitrary amount of lookahead. This model of parsing is capable of parsing token-like structures in a grammar but cannot handle neither recursion nor ambiguity. The parsers are applied eagerly and the first parse tree found will be followed to it's end. In other words, a DFS (Depth-First Search) approach is taken when producing parse trees.
  2. A set of symbol parsers that implement the GLL (Generalised LL) parsing technique. They can too be thought as symbols in a grammar and enable the creation of any parser of a CFG grammar. They are built on top of token parsers and can account for arbitrary amounts of recursion and ambiguity in a grammar in polynomial time complexity. In order to achieve this, a hybrid search approach is taken where the entire search space for parse trees is explored but in a DFS manner (using a stack) in order to improve the chances of getting the first solutions early (in case not all solutions are required).

The symbol parsers do achieve the same time complexities as token when it comes to the grammars that both can handle, but they do make use of more complex mechanisms that are necessary for the GLL algorithm internals and thus contribute a greater constant factor than that of the token parsers.

Thus, it is strongly suggested to use the token parsers whenever possible and use symbol parsers only when necessary.

To help with this, when someone during developement finds out that token parsers won't cut it, they can convert a token parser to a symbol one using the toSymbol static method.

In order to achieve the creation of parse trees that do represent valid and meaningful semantics and to make ambiguity in a parse tree possible, full support for semantic data and errors is provided. This makes gparse a great choice for cases where a parse tree is produced and recognition of the language of the grammar in question is not enough. The semantics defined can be:

  1. Semantic data for a specific parse tree result node These semantics can be provided:
    • At the beginning of a parsing, an initial semantic value can be provided that will then be propagated to the next parse results.
    • At each parser using a map parser or by providing an action in a chain parser.
  2. Semantic errors for a specific parse tree error These semantics are defined in the following cases:
    • At each parser that is capable of producing a parse error, there are required arguments to it that force the user to define some expected semantic error to be returned in case the error occurs while parsing.
    • At each parser using a map parser, an error can be overriden for more specialised control over the error production.
    • Using the error parser, a parser that always fails with the specified error can be defined. Every time an error has occured, the parsing procedure can recover from an error in points where a recovery parser is used. This parser enables the definition of error recovery in the parsing process.

In this library, only the very primitive parser combinators are implemented for each of those sets, as any parser can then be generated with the combination of those parsers. The most primitive parsers required for a parser combinator library to be complete are:

  • A parser that returns a successful result, that is a parser that matches with some input. In gparse this is implemented by str and regex parsers that will match given the correct input targets.
  • A parser that returns some error and won't match it's input. This is implemented in gparse with:
    • Error productions wherever a parse error can occur (ex: when a str parser cannot match it's input)
    • The error parser that will always produce a specific error.
  • A parser that performs chaining of parsers, so that the result of a parser execution can be chained to some next parser in the chain. Chaining in gparse is implemented using the chain parser where multiple parsers are chained in a sequence and where there might possibly exist an action to be executed when all of them have matched.
  • A parser that executes many different alternative parsers at a specified point and matches the parser(s) that do match at that point onwards. Alternatives in gparse are implemented using:
    • The choice parser for token parsers where the alternatives are applied one after the other in a backtracking fashion (the first that matches produces the result of the parser but all are executed from the same point).
    • The alternatives parser for symbol parsers where the alternatives are applied one after the other but their execution paths are pushed on a parse stack for later evaluation on demand.

Also, the map parser is quite necessary in cases where handling of semantic values is required as well as some form of action execution (provided with chain in gparse) in cases where the parse tree needs to be interpreted as it is being created.

In cases recursion is needed, a parser needs to be defined with the lazy constructor that prevent JS's eager evaluation and allows a variable to be defined in terms of itself.

The list of primitive parsers is extended with the following (not so primitive) parsers that do in fact provide some useful behavior that someone might need for more convenient parser writing:

  • The many parser is used as the "Kleine-star (*)" operator from regular expressions for "zero or more" matches of the specified token parser.
  • The many1 parser is used as the "+" operator from regular expressions for "one or more" matches of the specified token parser.
  • The optional parser is used as the "?" operator from regular expressions for "zero or one" matches of the specified token parser.
  • The until parser is used to match anything behind a terminator parser and stop matching at the index where the terminator would match.
  • The decide parser is used to select the next parser to be matched based on the last parse result in some chain.
  • The lookahead parser is used to select the next parser to be matched based on some lookahead parser. The lookahead parser is executed at the current point and it's result is used to determine which parser to apply next.
  • The sideEffect parser is used to execute some function wherever that parser is defined.
  • The recovery parser is used to recover from an error at the point that parser is defined, with a new semantic value. It can be paired with error to provide error recovery capabilities.
  • The contextual parser is used to define a chain of parsers in an imperative way. It is passed a user-defined generator where the next parser in the chain gets yielded at some specified point in the generator execution. The return value of the yield statements return the result or error that was produced by executing the yielded parser at that point.
  • The empty symbol parser is used to define an empty symbol, used in specific grammars. It shall be used with caution as it might lead to implicitly ambiguous grammars.

Because some of the above operations are primitive enough to be done by token parsers and do not exhibit any special change in behavior when converted to a symbol parser, they are defined to work only with token parsers. When someone needs their functionality as a primitive in the symbol parser context, they can work with token parsers at the primitive level to create a fairly complex token parser and then convert to a symbol parser using the toSymbol static method.

The definition of only those simple parsers sometimes make life a bit harder and the code more verbose but it allows for a more minimal, controllable and maintainable API that provides stable building blocks for any complex parser. A cookbook or some extension package might enrich the library with many commonly user parser combinators in the future.

The time complexity guarrantees for any parser generated with either a token or a symbol parser is documented below:

Parser Regular Grammar Grammar with k Lookahead Grammar with k Backtracking Grammar with Recursion Grammar with Ambiguity
TokenParser O(n) O(n) O(n) - -
SymbolParser O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n^3)

As for space complexity, all the above cases have O(n) linear space complexity.

Those guarrantees derive from the parsing algorithms used in the parser implementations. Practical tests have indeed proven correlation between the theoretical results of the parsing algorithms and the times of the token and symbol parsers.

An example usage of the gparse library can be found in the on the library's github. More examples are in the makings as well as a complete Cookbook for the most basic scenarios, as mentioned above.